Someone wants to have an experience of Tea Ceremony in Tea room with surrounding Japanese antique at Kyomachiya(Kyoto styled traditional house), Ikko-do offers 3 opportunities from just drinking Machha with Japanese sweet or trial experience to learn how to make Matcha or deep learning of basic course of The Way of Tea to learn detailed procedure via monthly lesson. We are happy to help you to have a unique Chado experience at traditional Kyoto house at the near by Kamo-river.
Guests from the world at Ikko-do!
Many guests who are came from the world have been visiting at Ikko-do to experience Tea & Japanese antique at Kyoto traditional town house. Also they enjoyed to see unique life style & interior/decoration via Ikko-do's owner who was a International Designer. Please experience to use your 5 senses as tangible way. In addition, Ikko-do is located at very convince area(Kitaohji) from downtown using subway, You can enjoy not only tea experience, but also but also shopping and visiting Kamo river and Botanical garden. Ikko-do is looking forward to seeing you soon!
京町家お茶室にて、季節のしつらいやお道具を体感、触れながら季節のお菓子とお抹茶がいただけます。亭主からお茶やお道具の話が直接聞けます。ご予約はContact Usから。前日までにご予約ください。お一人様 大人5,000円(税込、お抹茶お菓子含む)、子供(小学生以下、お抹茶お菓子含む)2,500円(税込)。
You can enjoy Matcha & seasonal sweet under seasonal decoration & using precious tea tools in Tea room. Host also describes detailed story of tools & tea in person. Please let us know your reservation via Contact Us.Please make a reservation at the least in 1day in advance.
Tea Experense fee: Adult 5,000yen(Including Tax & Japanese sweet), Kid (under 12 years) 2,500yen ( Including Tax & Japanese sweet)
お一人様から十二名様までで、好きなお茶碗を使って、薄茶の立て方、薄茶の飲み方など基礎的な茶道を楽しく経験していただきます。ご予約はContact USから。1日前までにご予約ください。
お一人様 1時間あたり 大人5,000円(税込、お菓子込み)、子供(小学生以下)1時間あたり2,500円(税込、お菓子込み)。
With from 1 to 12people, Ikko-do offers trial basic lesson from how to make a Matcha and drinking manner with fun time. Please make a reservation at least 1 days in advance using Contact Us at this HP.
Trial Lesson fee: Adult per hour 5,000yen(Including Tax & Japanese sweet), Kid ( under 12 years) per hour 2,500yen ( Including Tax & Japanese sweet)
本格的な茶道入門は気が引けるけど、気軽に基礎を習ってみたいなと思われる方、以前お茶を少しだけかじった事があるが、厳しすぎて辞めてしまった、忙しくなってお稽古に行けなくなったけど、再開するのは気が引けると思っている方、月3回、約2時間程度のお稽古を行います。お茶の面白さをより深く体現できます。ご都合の良い時間を調整いたしますので、詳細はまずContact Usにてご連絡ください。お稽古日のスケジュールをお客様のご都合に合わせてご相談いただけます。
月3回 大人12,000円(税込、お菓子込み)、月3回 子供(中学生以下)6,000円(税込、お菓子込み)。
Someone wants to learn Chado (The way of the tea) more, even having hesitation to enter official Chado school, Ikko-do offers monthly lesson(3 times in a month) with around 2 hours casual way. You are able to learn the procedure of Chado deeply and enjoyably. At first, please let us know your request via Contact Us. We are happy to arrange your lesson following your available date & time.
Monthly Lesson (3 times in a month): Adult 12,000 JPY( Including Tax & Japanese sweet), Kid 6,000 JPY( Including Tax & Japanese sweet).
Ikko-do is able to provide all 3 programs of The Way of Tea experiences above in English. Also, Non-Japanese people who are interested in learning of Tea lesson at Tea room, we are happy to teach you from very fundamental skills & manner of the way of tea. Please make a reservation via Contact Us at this HP. We are looking forward to meeting you at Ikko-do's Tea room!
Regarding detail of each The Way of Tea program, Please refer to above from Matcha experience, trail lesson and a monthly lesson.
We also started to rent Tea tools for your private tea ceremony!
Ikko-do is able to support your seasonal tea ceremony & gatherings based on various collection from typical tea utencils, Tea box to hanging scrolls like Calligraphy by Oiemoto & Japanese paintings at Edo period, antique screens and Kaiseki tools. If you are interested in rental tea tools, please let us know vi this HP at Contact Us. you are able to see these tools at Ikko-do to obtain more information.
We also accept rentals of tea room!
Rental fee for tea room is 5000JPY per a hour (not including Charcoal fee, Mattcha fee and Japanese sweets fee).
Please contact Ikko-do via this HP at Contact Us to check the detail of information.
季節のお茶会キャンセルポリシーのお知らせ Cancelation Policy of Seasonal Tea ceremony events.
●十日前までのキャンセルは無料 There is no cancelation fee up to 10 days in advance.
●十日以内のキャンセルは、参加費の50%nのキャンセル料ををいただきます。50% cancelation fee is requied within 10 days.
●三日以内と当日のキャンセルは、参加料の全額をいただきます。100% cancelation fee is required on the day and before on 3 days.
お茶体験キャンセルポリシーのお知らせ Cancelation Policy of Chado Experience as a Guest.
●2日前までのキャンセルは無料 There is no cancelation fee up to 3days in advance.
●前日と当日のキャンセルは、参加料の全額いただきます。100% cancelation fee is required on the day and before on the day.
お茶レッスンキャンセルポリシーのお知らせ Cancelation Policy of Chado Trial Lesson as Host & Guest.
●二日前までのキャンセルは無料 There is no cancelation fee up to 2 days in advance
●当日のキャンセルは、参加料の全額いただきます。100% cancelation fee is required on the day
月三回レッスンキャンセルポリシーのお知らせ Cancelation Policy of Monthly Chado Lesson to learn fundamental Skills
●前日までのキャンセルや変更は無料。ご連絡いただいた時に、振替レッスン日を決めさせていただきます。There is no cancelation fee up to one day in advance. Please contact us to rearrange your lesson.
●当日のキャンセルは、一回分とカウントさせていただきます。One lesson opportunity will be counted based on cancelation on the day.
〒603-8131 京都市北区小山上内河原町36
担当:松村 090-3355-9406 075-432-8357
36 Kamiuchi Kawaracho, Koyama, Kita-ku, Kyoto, Japan 603-8131
Contact Person: Matsumura +81-90-3355-9406 +81 75-432-8357
Copyright ©️ IKKOーDO All Right Reserved.