Store & Office: 603-8131 京都市北区小山上内河原町36
36 Kamiuchi Kawaracho, Koyama, Kita-ku, Kyoto, Japan 603-8131
Contact person: Matsumura
+81-90-3355-9406 (Cell)
Our shop is basically by appointment only.
Please contact us via my cellphone at 090-3355-9406 or send the form below to make sure your reservation,
For those who participate in the event or visit to the shop
Please fill in these information as Name, your email address and message (which event, date & time and the number of participant, any inquire, etc.), send to shop owner. The shop owner will reply to you ASAP.
Cancel Policy Notification:
Please refer to detailed information below.
季節のお茶会キャンセルポリシーのお知らせ Cancelation Policy of Seasonal Tea ceremony events.
●十日前までのキャンセルは無料 There is no cancelation fee up to 10 days in advance.
●十日以内のキャンセルは、参加費の50%nのキャンセル料ををいただきます。50% cancelation fee is requied within 10 days.
●三日以内と当日のキャンセルは、参加料の全額をいただきます。100% cancelation fee is required on the day and before on 3 days.
お茶体験キャンセルポリシーのお知らせ Cancelation Policy of Chado Experience as a Guest.
●2日前までのキャンセルは無料 There is no cancelation fee up to 3days in advance.
●前日と当日のキャンセルは、参加料の全額いただきます。100% cancelation fee is required on the day and before on the day.
お茶レッスンキャンセルポリシーのお知らせ Cancelation Policy of Chado Trial Lesson as Host & Guest.
●二日前までのキャンセルは無料 There is no cancelation fee up to 2 days in advance
●当日のキャンセルは、参加料の全額いただきます。100% cancelation fee is required on the day
月三回レッスンキャンセルポリシーのお知らせ Cancelation Policy of Monthly Chado Lesson to learn fundamental Skills
●前日までのキャンセルや変更は無料。ご連絡いただいた時に、振替レッスン日を決めさせていただきます。There is no cancelation fee up to one day in advance. Please contact us to rearrange your lesson.
●当日のキャンセルは、一回分とカウントさせていただきます。One lesson opportunity will be counted based on cancelation on the day.
〒603-8131 京都市北区小山上内河原町36
担当:松村 090-3355-9406 075-432-8357
36 Kamiuchi Kawaracho, Koyama, Kita-ku, Kyoto, Japan 603-8131
Contact Person: Matsumura +81-90-3355-9406 +81 75-432-8357
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