ご予約は、Contact Usから。
Ikko-do is an unique shop & salon that offer various type of Kyoto cultural experiences from tea experience for foreigners/Japanese, seasonal tea events, workshops with Kyoto's craftsmen and selling tea tools & antique goods in traditional Kyoto town house around 100 years.
People who are seeking to learn more deepen & distinctive Kyoto cultural experiences and to look for seasonal tea tools & antique,
Please visit at Ikko-do!
Since using Appointment system, please let us know your expected timing via CONTACT US before visiting at IKKO-DO.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Happy New Year 2025!
NEW EVENT on March 2025!
Doll's Festival Tea Gathering & Houkyoji Tour on March 2!
お申し込みは、このHPのContact Usから、お名前、Email アドレス、参加人数をお書きいただき、お申し込みください。
NEW EVENT 2025! New Year Tea Ceremony between Chinese Tea & Japanese Tea(Matcha) on Jan 26(sun)!
季節のお茶会キャンセルポリシーのお知らせ Cancelation Policy of Seasonal Tea ceremony events.
●十日前までのキャンセルは無料 There is no cancelation fee up to 10 days in advance.
●十日以内のキャンセルは、参加費の50%nのキャンセル料ををいただきます。50% cancelation fee is requied within 10 days.
●三日以内と当日のキャンセルは、参加料の全額をいただきます。100% cancelation fee is required on the day and before on 3 days.
2025 Planned Event Calendar by Ikko-do
Jan 26(sun): New year tea gathering between Chinese & Japanese Tea>>>Only a few seats are available!
March 2(sun) : Doll Festival tea gathering>>>Reservation is available!
April 6(sun): Sakura viewing tea gathering at Kamo river park>>> It has been decided to implementation.
May 15: Aoi Festival tea gathering, Please refer to the information at top page. >>we will conduct this event!
六月十五日(日):バロックと日本画茶会 実施決定。詳細は後ほど。
Jun 15'sun): Baroque Music & Japanese Painting Collaboration tea gathering at Kobe>>>we will conduct this event!
July 21: Gion Festival tea gathering, >>>under the planning
Aug 16(sat): Gozan-no-Okuribi Feastival tea gathering, Now, we are recruiting participants! >>>under the planning
Sep 22(sun): Workshop with craftsmen in Kyoto & Tea gathering>>under the planning
Oct 5(sun): Harvest moon tea gathering with Kyoto cuisine & sake
Nov 24(NH). : Opening Ro tea gathering & Art tour>>under the planning
There events might be changed due circumstances, please confirm it via updated this HP.
1 hour Tea Experience at Tea room is available!
京町家お茶室にて、季節のしつらいやお道具を体感、触れながら季節のお菓子とお抹茶がいただけます。亭主からお茶やお道具の話が直接聞けます。ご予約はContact Usから。前日までにご予約ください。お一人様 大人5,000円(税込、お抹茶お菓子含む)、子供(小学生以下、お抹茶お菓子含む)2,500円(税込)。
You can enjoy Matcha & seasonal sweet under seasonal decoration & using precious tea tools in Tea room. Host also describes detailed story of tools & tea in person. Please let us know your reservation via Contact Us.Please make a reservation at the least in 1day in advance.
Tea Experense fee: Adult 5,000yen(Including Tax & Japanese sweet), Kid (under 12 years) 2,500yen ( Including Tax & Japanese sweet)
Guests from the world at Ikko-do!
Many guests who are came from the world have been visiting at Ikko-do to experience Tea & Japanese antique at Kyoto traditional town house. Also they enjoyed to see unique life style & interior/decoration via Ikko-do's owner who was a International Designer. Please experience to use your 5 senses as tangible way. In addition, Ikko-do is located at very convince area(Kitaohji) from downtown using subway, You can enjoy not only tea experience, but also but also shopping and visiting Kamo river and Botanical garden. Ikko-do is looking forward to seeing you soon!
Seasonal Tea tools are now in stock!
Every month, Ikko-fo arrived of many seasonal goods of tea tool. I can’t introduce all goods at HP, if you are interested in, please email or call me to see real stuffs at Ikko-do.
Opening RO tea ceremony &
Art tour at Soukokuji temple>>>It was finished with full participants,
New Seasonal Event!:十月二十二日(火)、第三回 二十代谷村丹後氏による、茶筅茶杓ワークショップ+時代祭ツアーの豪華な文化体験イベント!限定10名さまのみ!>>>お陰様で満席盛会のうちにお開きとなりました。皆様、ワークショップ+お茶会+時代祭ツアーの充実した3イベントを楽しまれました。
Chasen(tea whisk) & Chashaku(tea scoop) Workshop by20th generation Tanimura Tango & Century Festival (Jidai Matsuri) tour will be conducted on Oct 22(Tue) from 10am! Only 10 guests are available! Don't miss these cultural events in Ikko-do!>>3 events including Workshop+Tea ceremony + Tour of Century Festival(Jidai Matsuri) were combined in half day, all participants fully enjoyed! Thank you!
参加費は8000円(税込、材料代、ワークショップ代、お抹茶、お菓子含む)、60分で、午後1時と3時の2セッションがございます。お申し込みは、このHPのContact Usから、お名前、メールアドレス、ご参加人数を明記の上、お知らせください、
Updating of the event: 送り火お茶会を8月16日(金)初めて行います!>>盛会のうちにお開きとなりました!Tea Ceremony with Gozan-no-Okuribi Viewing on Aug. 16(Fri) from 17:00!>>>With full guests, the event was closed successfully!
お申し込みの方は、このHPのContact Usから、お名前、参加人数をお書きいただき、お送りください。
Update of the event: 7月21日(日)祇園祭お茶会開催決定!>>お陰様で盛会のうち、お開きとなりました。
Gion Festival Tea Gathering will be conducted on July 21(sun)!>>
This event with full guests was successfully finished! Thank you!
17:00 お茶会終了、三条烏丸駅
17:30-18:30 三条室町を下がる、各大店の屏風の展示を見て回ります。
19:00 床のある京料理店にて、カジュアルな京料理をいただく(実費)
21:00 解散 お時間がある方は、祇園のバーにお連れいたします(実費)
We Ikko do will conduct 3rd Gion festival tea gathering on July 21(sun) and mini tour at Ato-matsuri in Gion festival to see screen festival at Sanjo Muromachi & Shinmachi area. After seeing Screen festival, Ikko-do will take all participations to the restaurant with wooden balcony (Yuka, dinner fee should pay by individual).
Please enjoy very special day of Gion festival with tea gathering, visiting at Gion festival area and eating Kyoto cuisine at river side!
Update of the event: Music & Tea Symphony ! 音楽とお茶の共奏!
This event with full guests was successfully finished! Thank you!
スペシャルゲストとしてバルセロナから国際的ギターリスト兼茶人のギジェルモ・リソットを迎えて、アコースティックギターとお茶のコラボを行います。開場は13時、開演は13:30、お茶会は14:30からです。お申し込みはこのHPのContact Usまで。
Update of the event: Seasonal Tea Gathering: Aoi Festival Viewing Tea Gathering at Ikko-do & Kamo river side on May 15(wed)>>>The event was closed,Thank you!
Updated the event!
Seasonal Tea Gathering: Sakura Viewing Tea Gathering at Kamo river park on April 7(sun)>>>This event with full guests was successfully finished! Thank you!
季節のお茶会キャンセルポリシーのお知らせ Cancelation Policy of Seasonal Tea ceremony events.
●十日前までのキャンセルは無料 There is no cancelation fee up to 10 days in advance.
●十日以内のキャンセルは、参加費の50%nのキャンセル料ををいただきます。50% cancelation fee is requied within 10 days.
●三日以内と当日のキャンセルは、参加料の全額をいただきます。100% cancelation fee is required on the day and before on 3 days.
IKKO-DO's YouTube
Please see Ikko-do's movie! 是非、ご覧ください。
新商品のご紹介!「La Laque Kyoto」から初めての方でもできる、金継ぎセット、新発売!
一光堂がロゴデザインを作らせていただいた、京都嵐山の金継ぎ工房「La Laque Kyoto」の金継ぎセットが、一光堂から発売。お気に入りの器のホツやニューを、初めて金継ぎしてみたい方用のお手軽金継ぎセットです。価格は4,500円(税込)。商品の詳細につきましては、金継ぎ工房「La Laque Kyoto」lalaquekyoto.com まで
Kintsugi Set from "La Laque Kyoto" is available at Ikko-do.Price is 4500JPY including Tax.
一光堂オリジナル 景文四季茶碗誕生!
Four Season Tea Bowls by IKKO-DO are launched right now!
IKKOーDO developed original tea bowls based on our direction with collaboration of ZEZE Yaki Pottery manufacturing in Shiga. These paintings are influenced by Keibun Matsumura who was a leader of Maruyama-Shijo painting school at Edo period. You can enjoy four season in Kyoto via these tea bowls! These tea bowls will be produced by ZEZE pottery manufacturing using build-to-order manufacturing with 3 moths lead time. If you are interested in these products, please check out at Shop site!
You are able to have a great experience of CHADO (the way of tea) at tea room in Kyo-machiya from trial lesson and learning of basic procedure & skills of Chado. Lesson by English also is available. Additionally, we are happy to guide you how to coordinate tea tools. Finally, you are able to do outdoor tea party based on Ikko-do's service.
Based on rich experience of creative & design industry from advertisement agency and global consumer goods industry, Ikko-do is able to help you to improve your design & branding and also help to develop AD, Graphic and package design too.
We exhibit and sell unique & only one item from antique & arts & crafts based on Ikko-do's aesthetical POV. We are able to sell these items via EC too. Please check out the shop site!
IKKO-DO is established 2021at Kyomachiya with 100 years history to highlight like one beam to traditional & precious art things & experiences in Kyoto. Based on following my grand grand father & grand father's heritage & DNA, I decided to reestablish my own company & shop as IKKO-DO that was inspired from my grand father's shop name as NIKKO. Please visit to my shop to have unique experiences via distinctive & seasonal events / seminars / exhibitions that are based on company & shop concept as "Blending with Tea, Design & Antique".
季節のお茶会キャンセルポリシーのお知らせ Cancelation Policy of Seasonal Tea ceremony events.
●十日前までのキャンセルは無料 There is no cancelation fee up to 10 days in advance.
●十日以内のキャンセルは、参加費の50%nのキャンセル料ををいただきます。50% cancelation fee is requied within 10 days.
●三日以内と当日のキャンセルは、参加料の全額をいただきます。100% cancelation fee is required on the day and before on 3 days.
お茶体験キャンセルポリシーのお知らせ Cancelation Policy of Chado Experience as a Guest.
●2日前までのキャンセルは無料 There is no cancelation fee up to 3days in advance.
●前日と当日のキャンセルは、参加料の全額いただきます。100% cancelation fee is required on the day and before on the day.
お茶レッスンキャンセルポリシーのお知らせ Cancelation Policy of Chado Trial Lesson as Host & Guest.
●二日前までのキャンセルは無料 There is no cancelation fee up to 2 days in advance
●当日のキャンセルは、参加料の全額いただきます。100% cancelation fee is required on the day
月三回レッスンキャンセルポリシーのお知らせ Cancelation Policy of Monthly Chado Lesson to learn fundamental Skills
●前日までのキャンセルや変更は無料。ご連絡いただいた時に、振替レッスン日を決めさせていただきます。There is no cancelation fee up to one day in advance. Please contact us to rearrange your lesson.
●当日のキャンセルは、一回分とカウントさせていただきます。One lesson opportunity will be counted based on cancelation on the day.
〒603-8131 京都市北区小山上内河原町36
担当:松村 090-3355-9406 075-432-8357
36 Kamiuchi Kawaracho, Koyama, Kita-ku, Kyoto, Japan 603-8131
Contact Person: Matsumura +81-90-3355-9406 +81 75-432-8357
Copyright ©️ IKKOーDO All Right Reserved.